Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Lord, every time I see a baby smile,
    I think of You.
Every time I hear child’s laugh,
    I think of You.
Every time I see little ones play,
    I think of You.
For in their joy, in their innocence,
    I recall that You wanted them to
    come to You.
You wanted them to celebrate their
And in that innocence You wanted  
    us to recognise that we too
    should be like them.
Give to us Lord, we pray, Your Holy
    Spirit to enable us to put aside all
    of those things that we cling to, the things we hold desperately on
    to, that separate us from You.
May we rediscover in ourselves that
    innocence we once had,
And in that innocence find once
    more what it means to be Your  
 (Br Chad,O.SS.T)